Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Arctic MX-4 Thermal paste

In this second post subject is repasting CPU and GPU. Why, this is brand new laptop? Well because all factory thermal pastes are s***. No matter which manufacturer, they all make same mistake, put too much of cheap paste.
My problem also was that laptop had problem with overheating in Aida Stress Test. In idle temp was ok, around 40C, but in Aida under load it went in 5min to 90C! This is too much when you consider that max CPU temp is 100C. Not just that, it's just too much. 70-80C is optimal for every laptop out there on load.
So we are going to fix that Lenovo's error. How? With Arctic MX-4. Best thermal paste money can buy. Why? Cause is doesn't get hard during time and transfers heat very efficiently. Non "hardening time" is rated at 8 years! And other big reason is worth mentioning, it's not electrical conductive.
My favorite was always Arctic Silver 5, great thermal properties but it's outdated. It hardens over time, takes too long to adapt (200 hours) to show it's full power, and it is a bit conductive.
MX4 eliminates all those problems.

Procedure is simple. Open laptop, remove heatsink with fan, clean everything with isopropyl alcohol, put a bit MX4 and easily put heatsinks back on motherboard. This is important step. Don't press heasink! Just put it above to match screw holes and one by one tight them evenly together in cross pattern.

It can be seen clearly that there is too much paste. It's thick and inefficient. Another thing is that lenovo protected chips with cover so that rest of the chips doesn't come in contact with paste, cause after it hardens with time it could damage components around CPU when taking heatsink off.

Now my temp in Aida is steady at 78C even after 10min!! Compared that with where is was after 3min at 90C and if I didn't stopped test who know where it would end, that is massive progress!
Best of all, it's a ten-ten job, 10$paste-10min, for a long and cold CPU life.
Oh yea my "working idle" (reading or writing) temp are around 38. Pure idle; core temps are at 34C!

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